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Release 1.2 of librsb, Sparse BLAS Software Library

i just got a good news from NA-digest, it is usefull

Version 1.2 of the “librsb” library for high performance sparse matrix
computations based on the “Recursive Sparse Blocks” (RSB) format is
out and available for download.

librsb is mainly for iterative methods implementors; it features cache
efficient, multithreaded sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and it
is especially fast in the symmetric and transposed variants. Many
options and further matrix operations are available.

Both Sparse BLAS and the own interfaces are supported (C, Fortran).
Transparently usable in GNU Octave via the sparsersb package/command.

Main improvements of librsb-1.2 are:
– faster runtime autotuning of structure and threads for sparse
matrix-vector/matrix-matrix multiply and triangular solve: now uses
a parallel merge/subdivision based algorithm
– speeded up triangular solution of a matrix by multi-vector
– introduced extension BLAS property blas_rsb_autotune_next_operation
to trigger auto tuning at the next USMV/USMM call
– collection/report of time spent in librsb routines now possible (a
simple built-in profiler)
– further Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) matrix rendering options
– improved benchmark program for large parameter studies (converts and
reuses matrices rather than re-reading them from disk)
– binary performance records write/read/combine support, also with
Intel MKL CSR built-in comparison; LaTeX tables output and stats

Source code (LGPLv3 licensed), documentation, change log and extensive
benchmark results available on: http://sourceforge.net/projects/librsb

Output Perguruan Tinggi dan kebijakan pemerintah sebagai cara pemecahan masalah bangsa

Berikut merupakan anugerah  dari yang Maha Kuasa yang diperoleh penulis  sebagai oleh oleh dari kunjungan ke Pardubice University, Czech Republic.

Statuta Universitas Indonesia (UI) mencanangkan visi UI untuk menjadi pusat ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan kebudayaan yang unggul dan berdaya saing, melalui upaya mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, sehingga berkontribusi bagi pembangunan masyarakat Indonesia dan dunia. Sementara dalam Kebijakan Umum (KU) butir 4.b menyatakan bahwa pengembangan UI bertumpu pada perwujdan integrasi akademik berlandaskan pendidikan inter, multi, lintas, trans-disiplin serta hibriditas keilmuan dengan tetap memperhatikan ilmu ilmu dasar. Saya akan memfokuskan pada kata kunci : meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, kontribusi pada masyarakat Indonesia dengan cara ikut memecahkan masalah bangsa dan dunia.

Disini akan diberikan studi kasus nyata terkait dengan pengalaman untuk berkunjung ke KBRI di PRague (Praha). Pertanyaan terbesar.. bagaimana cara sampai ke sana dari kota kecil Pardubice di tengah negara dengan bahasa Cesky.

Langkah pertama adalah menggunakan teknologi informasi yakni dengan browsing di internet dan ketemula situs KBRI di Praha http://www.indonesia.cz yang ditautkan dengan http://www.kemlu.go.id/prague/Pages/default.aspx. Dari situs itulah saya berkomunikasi dgn staff KBRI, untuk mencapai kesanan saya disarankan mulai dari Stasiun Andel dan naik bus 191 turun di daerah Pod Lipkami. Staff itu pun mensarankan saya untuk mempelajari situs transportasi kota Praha berikut, http://www.dpp.cz/en/. Di sini saya bisa mempelajari bagaimana membeli tiket apa yang harus dibeli


Kemudian saya ambil menu journey planner, dan memasukkan asal dan tujuan, dan keluarlah alternative solusi yang sangat rinci, naik apa saja (tram lalu bus), pemberhentian yg akan dilalui apa saja dan jam berapa, dimana harus stop dan harus nyambung di stopan yang mana. Saya masukkan asal Praha hl. n. dan tujuan Pod Lipkami, dgn opsi with transfer – at most 4 dan didapat informasi berikut:

Dan setelah langkah dan petunjuk di atas diikuti.. alhamdulillah… sangat membantu hanya perlu ditambah keberanian untuk bertanya….

Lalu dimana kaitannya dengan Visi UI? Pendapat saya, informasi yang mudah didapat dan akurat yang mendukung satu aktfitas manusia.. yakni…mobilitas orang.. transportasi yang sangat lancar dan dapat dipercata dalam suatu negara akan sangat mendukung kelancaran aktifitas dan perekonomian negara itu. Jadi ini bisa mendukung pemecahan masalah masyarakat, mampu menarik pendatang dari luar (misalnya wistawan) dan mereka akan merasa nyaman.

Dimana kaitannya dengan KU UI? Pendapat saya,.. pengelolaan informasi transportasi tersebut melibatkan disiplin paling sedikit, ilmu seperti teknologi informasi (ilmu komputer), transportasi, kebijakan publik, management, dan ilmu politik.

Terakhir..ttg politik.. harus ada kemauan dari pembuat kebijakan baik wakil rakyat dan pemerintah untuk bisa menerapkan hasil kajian multidisiplin terkait masalah bangsa ini untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Karena tanpa ada kebijakan, maka teknologi yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.. hanya akan menjadi hiasan di perpustakaan perguruan tinggi. Wallahu’alam…


Tulisan ini juga ditampilkan dalam ajang pemilihan Rektor yang tak diikuti secara lengkap oleh penulis. Saat penulisan,  penulis sedang  berada di  Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Pardubice University, Czech Republic,  http://www.upce.cz/english/feei/index.html


Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2014

it is a good conference n valuable to attend and read the materials, i got this from na digest,

Date: September 26, 2014
Subject: Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2014

The Big Data Revolution is one of the main science and technology
challenges of today. While this is multifaceted, mathematics is at the
very core of the challenge ?€? in ranking information from vast networks
in web browsers such as Google, or identifying consumer preferences,
loyalty or even sentiment and making personalised recommendations, the
very scale of big data makes automation necessary and this, in turn,
necessarily relies on mathematical algorithms. The challenge is to
derive value from signals buried in an avalanche of noise arising from
challenging data volume, flow and validity. The mathematical
challenges are as varied as they are important. Whether searching for
influential nodes in huge networks, segmenting graphs into meaningful
communities, modelling uncertainties in health trends for individual
patients, linking data bases with different levels of granularity in
space and time, unbiased sampling, or connecting with infrastructure
involving sensors, privacy protection and high performance computing,
answers to these questions are the key to competitiveness and
leadership in this field. This event will highlight current
challenges in mathematical methodology alongside new mathematical
problems arising from Big Data applications.

Papers should describe mathematical challenges specific to the
following topics or their application in large-scale use cases:
Optimal and dynamic sampling; Probably approximately correct
methodologies; Uncertainty modelling & generalisation error bounds;
Network analysis & community finding; Graph & web mining methods;
Trend tracking & novelty detection; Stream data management; Dynamic
segmentation & clustering; Transfer learning; Latent models for
hierarchical data; Deep learning; Context awareness; Multimodal data
linkage; Integration of multi-scale models; Mining of unstructured,
spatio-temporal, streaming and ; multimedia data; Computational
intelligence in large sensor networks; Predictive analytics and
recommender systems; Real-time forecasting; Access on-demand in
distributed databases; Affordable high performance computing; Privacy
protecting data mining; Data integrity & provenance methods;
Visualization methods; Mathematics underpinning large-scale use cases

Please visit the conference webpage for details on registration:

For further information, please visit the conference webpage:

Optizelle [op-tuh-zel]

Optizelle [op-tuh-zel] is an open source software library designed to
solve general purpose nonlinear optimization problems.


Optizelle features
– State of the art algorithms
– Unconstrained — steepest descent, preconditioned
nonlinear-CG, BFGS, Newton-CG, SR1, trust-region Newton
(truncated-CG and truncated-MINRES), Barzilai-Borwein
two-point approximation
– Equality constrained — inexact composite-step SQP
– Inequality constrained — primal-dual interior point method
for cone constraints (linear, second-order cone, and
semidefinite), log-barrier method for cone constraints
– Constrained — any combination of the above

– Open source
– Released under the 2-Clause BSD License
– Free and ready to use with both open and closed sourced codes

– Multilanguage support
– Interfaces to C++, MATLAB/Octave, and Python

– Robust computations and repeatability
– Can stop, archive, and restart the computation from any
optimization iteration

– User-defined parallelism
– Fully compatible with OpenMP, MPI, or GPUs

Big Medical Data

MIT News (01/25/13) Larry Hardesty

Last year the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) launched bigdata@csail, a big data initiative that includes several projects designed to make medical data more accessible to physicians and patients.  For example, researchers in the Clinical Decision Making Group are developing methods for bringing artificial intelligence to the medical community.  The group participates in a large initiative to create a database system that would link genomic and clinical data so that doctors can more easily test hypotheses about connections between genetic variations and certain diseases.  The group recently presented a new approach to the problem of word-sense disambiguation, or inferring from context which of a word’s several meanings is intended.  Meanwhile, researchers in CSAIL’s Data-Driven Medicine Group are investigating techniques for detecting and predicting hospital-borne infections.  In addition, researchers in the New Media Medicine Group are developing tools to enable members of online discussion boards to gather and organize medically relevant data about their own experiences with particular diseases and courses of treatments.

Surgeons May Use Hand Gestures to Manipulate MRI Images in OR

Purdue University News (01/10/13) Emil Venere

Purdue University researchers are developing a system that recognizes hand gestures as commands to tell a computer to browse and display medical images of a patient during surgery.  The system uses depth-sensing cameras and algorithms to recognize hand gestures as commands to manipulate MRI images on a large display.  The system recognizes 10 gestures, including rotate clockwise and counterclockwise, browse left and right, browse up and down, increase and decrease brightness, and zoom in and out.  The researchers note the system’s accuracy relies on the use of contextual information in the operating room, which is achieved through cameras that observe the surgeon’s torso and head to determine what the surgeon wants to do.  “Based on the direction of the gaze and the torso position we can assess whether the surgeon wants to access medical images,” says Purdue professor Pablo Wachs.  The gesture-recognition system uses a Microsoft Kinect camera that can sense 3D space.  The researchers found that integrating context enables the algorithms to accurately distinguish image-browsing commands from unrelated gestures, reducing false positives from 20.8 percent to 2.3 percent.  The system also has an average accuracy of 93 percent in translating gestures into specific commands.

Research to Link Mobile Phones and Health

Murdoch University (12/18/12) Rob Payne

Murdoch University researchers are working with the University of Leuven’s DistriNet Research Group to develop wireless sensor network technologies that monitor people’s health.  “A lot has been done on using sensors to monitor health, but my work is the first that uses mobile phones collaboratively to detect and alert people to physical conditions like heart attacks,” says Murdoch researcher James Meneghello.  “Basically, if a person wearing a sensor has a problem with their heart, I want their phone to detect the anomaly and reach out to phones around it, using them to process the information, then pulling it back to warn the person that they’re about to have a heart attack.”  The researchers say their technology can theoretically tell if diabetic neuropathy is occurring by monitoring variations in heart rate.  Meneghello says the technology, if successful, could not only alleviate physical pain, but also spare a person from traveling very far to regularly see a physician.

proposal tugas akhir – suatu dilema

Menunggu inisiatif mhs (s1) mengajukan tema dan menyiapkan proposal riset, kebanyakan akan sangat mengganggu dan memperlambat proses tugas akhir (TA). Proses ini tak akan masalah kalau kita berhadapan dengan mahasiswa kreatif dan pintar, apalagi ini S1 sedangkan kan mahasiswa S2 dan S3 saja masih sulit untuk mencari tema riset yang asli.  Di beberapa universitas luar negeri dan dalam negeri, ada yang tak mengharuskan mahasiswa membuat proposal riset. Bahkan dosen bisa menawarkan ide ide risetnya ke para mahasiswa, walau dosen juga bisa menerima usulan tema
dari mahasiswa.

TA merupakan media membantu program riset dosen dan prodi/pusat, dan salah satu butir penilaian borang BAN-PT adalah keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam riset dosennya. Makin banyak mahasiswa ikut riset dosen makin besar nilainya. Riset dan TA ini bisa menjadi modal untuk pengajuan proposal riset di tingkat lokal dan nasional.

Seperti yagn pernah sy sampaikan dibeberapa rapat dengan kolega, riset tak harus langsung membuat program/coding, ada tahap tahap tertentu yang harus dilalui dulu, Jika masing masing dosen / kelompok dosen sudah punya roadmap riset, maka insya Allah akan mudah membagi bagi bagian riset untuk dikerjakan kapan dan oleh siapa.

Memacu dosen untuk ikut terupdate keilmuannya, dengan paling tidak membaca dan mereview beberapa paper tingkat internasional, dan beberapa riset questionnya Insya Allah bisa muncul di situ dan ditindaklanjuti menjadi tema/topik riset TA/proposal pendanaan lokal/nasional.

wallahu’alam, God knows best !

big data may save lives

Using Big Data to Save Lives
UCR Today (10/22/12) Sean Nealon

University of California, Riverside researchers have developed a method for mining data derived from pediatric intensive care units to help doctors treat children and cut health care costs.  “This data has the potential to be a gold mine of useful–literally life saving–information,” says Riverside professor Eamonn Keogh.  He notes that modern pediatric care units are equipped with a variety of sensors that record up to 30 measurements.  The researchers developed a technique that makes it possible to search the sensor datasets, which can contain more than one trillion objects.  The researchers also are exploring ways to capture and store data from five or more sensors, and capture multiple data points per second.  In the next few years, the researchers plan to study archived pediatric intensive care unit data to find common patterns that can help doctors in diagnosing and predicting medical episodes.  The researchers also want to incorporate those patterns into intensive care unit sensors.  However, the difficulty is in finding medically useful patterns because there are an infinite number of trivial patterns.  “We have to find those that aren’t known but are useful and that can benefit from intervention,” Keogh says.

New Open-Source Python Textbook

I got an email from NA Digest and found the following site is very interesting, you may try to take alook at it


The book is aimed at high school students, but college
level students who are new to programming can benefit
from it as well. The book contains elements of computational
math and companion Exercise Book and Review Book
are provided.